Meet The Team

Paula Drouin, C.Med, MAHSP, IMI Certified
As founder and President of ADR International Group, Paula has over twenty years’ experience as a well-respected, full-time conflict resolution professional. She was one of the pioneers in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Alberta, conducting negotiations, mediations, workplace assessments, restorative justice, arbitrations, and investigations through her own company since 1997. She was also one of the early pioneers in the field of Restorative Justice in as well as a member of the pilot mediator roster for Alberta Civil Claims Project.
Paula holds the Canadian national designation of Chartered Mediator, as well as the International Mediator Designation through the International Mediation Institute. She has extensive experience providing ADR in all levels of government workplaces, in private industry, in communities, condo associations, oil and gas, and victim offender. She is on the Municipal Affairs roster of mediators and has been a mediator with the Department of National Defense for
five years.
She has over 600 hours of training in all aspects of ADR, and earned a Master of Arts in Human Security and Peacebuilding from Royals Roads which she applied on the ground in Uganda and Bosnia. Paula is also passionate about mentoring the next generation of mediators and has run a group since January 2016 to do just that. She is also sought after as an instructor, course designer, and keynote speaker. Almost three decades of working in the ADR field as well as working as an adult educator of ADR, makes her an invaluable asset to her clients.

Heather Stewart, C.Med. and Cert. Ombuds
Heather holds the national designation of Chartered Mediator. She is a Certified Ombuds through Osgood Hall Law school, and is Certified as a Workplace Fairness Analyst through the Workplace Fairness Institute. She received a Certificate in Coaching through Conflict from ADR Learning Institute, and has earned both the Basic and Advanced Workplace Investigator Certificates through Rubin-Thomlinson. Heather earned a Master of Arts Degree in Conflict Analysis and Management from Royal Roads University. Heather has also earned certificates in Consensus Decision Making, Conflict Coaching, Multi-Party Mediation, Oil and Gas Fundamentals for Conflict Management Practitioners, and Divorce and Separation Mediation.
She began working in the field of alternative dispute resolution at the Mediation and Restorative Justice Centre (MRJC) as an intake coordinator, and progressed to mediator, workshop facilitator, conflict coach, and restorative dialogue facilitator. As a mediator she has handled a diverse caseload. Her work has included facilitations that vary from assisting two individuals in conflict, to assisting large groups through conflict and decision-making processes. Some of the groups she has worked with include condo boards, community not-for-profits, and City sports organizations. She planned and facilitated public education workshops, as well as special presentations related to the MRJC and their mission.
Heather’s experience includes working with the Resources International Consulting and Training company in the provision of services to the City of Edmonton and several surrounding communities, facilitating a process for the development of their Intermunicipal Planning Framework Agreements. She has worked with ADR International Group providing workplace conflict assessments, harassment and discrimination investigations and mediations. Heather co-created Alberta’s Framework for the use of Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters and an Introductory course on the same topic with Paula Drouin through ADR International Group Inc.

Anita Veldhuisen Slomp, QMed.
Anita Veldhuisen Slomp is a conflict resolution practitioner and holds the national designation of Qualified Mediator, as well as being a restorative justice facilitator with 300+ hours of conflict resolution training. She holds a Certificate in Conflict Coaching from ADR Learning Institute.
Anita mediates for the Department of National Defense, the Alberta Justice Civil Claims program, and for various levels of government. Anita also mediates through community mediation programs and for faith groups. She coaches and instructs in a variety of settings including the ADR Institute of Alberta, ADR Learning Institute through ADR International Group, the University of Alberta School of Business, and The King’s University, primarily focused on the topics of restorative practices and conflict resolution.
Anita works with community groups including churches through conflict situations, change, and in improving understanding, using varied conflict resolution models including Restorative Practices. Anita is passionate about empowerment through increased information and skills for individuals involved in conflict. Anita studied at The King’s University College as well as Grant MacEwan University College, prior to training in conflict resolution.